Oh shit, I don't actually think my memory works well enough to go this far back. Pinner, Ginlet, Pin Pin, How many nicknames can we come up with for you, oh yah don't for get Jinny C P, or Ginny. You taught me so many things, about cooking and home and domestic tasks, but also about independence and strength, and also what a smart Woman looks like and can be. I think a lot of guys don't realize how lucky they are to have amazing female influences in their lives as the grow up, I think anyway it really does make a difference in a person. Talking about minutes and moments, I mean what the hell, skipping Church, youth group, camping, cabins, horse back riding crashing into your parents fence, visiting you at 6am and banging on your bedroom window after coming home from a rave, oh yah, and pond scumming with your mom, I think I missed about ten thousand other moments we shared but you know what you mean to me, I can't wait to be a part of your special day coming up very soon.
Love you Ginlet -
No Ginlets were harmed in the making of this post.